Weeks 28 & 29

 These past few weeks I have been completing the final parts for my Plant Based café.

I fully managed to complete the interior of the café, adding in all the things that I think I need for it to be a completed café.

The exterior assets I made are as follows:


Tree with leaves and vines



Phone poles



A truck


A huge statue of a froggy boi I created.

The screenshot below shows the interior of the café without the roof and the exterior together.

Due to this being set in the future I decided to make the generators bigger than they would usually be. Also this is my own world/creation so the stuff I make is all based on my own thoughts and doesn't really need to be backed up, as at the end of the day it is just fantasy.

Below you can see the outside through the glass of the interior.

The other things I managed to complete on the interior are as listed below:

Posters and paintings



Soil Bags

Logo for the soil bags, the truck, the coffee sack and the tea boxes.

You'll find the screenshots below. Now I have only a small amount of things to do, these things weren't on my schedule, but I managed to leave enough spare weeks to make sure to get them done.

I have to animate a few things, like the fans, the storage door and some tea steam.

I also have to correct the lighting and possibly add audio to the scene.

This week was also the first week I fully tested my new scene in engine and there were a couple of issues to say the least. Luckily I had written a double sided shader, which immediately fixed one of the issues I was having with the faces being the wrong way around. Another big issue that I am having is that I need to create a separate UV layout for the lightmap, I completely forgot to do this alongside, so I guess I will have to create one now, it may be a vey basic one but lightmaps aren't meant to be pretty, they are just meant to work well, in comparison to UV texture layouts which are meant to be easy to read and also work efficiently.

Other things that I had to fix were the fact that all of my planks had N-gons which are not compatible with Unity, and generally should not be used. 

Other small fixes/issues were to do with the Philodendron not all leaves were lined up to the stems, and one of the glasses on the table was merged into a plant pot and needed to be moved out of it.
